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An album for healing 

These songs were written from my heart’s response to the vulnerability and suffering that are part of our lives.  Some of these songs were written for friends who were dying or dealing with loss or fear.  Some of these songs are an expression and evocation of meditative states. May we all open into the wisdom and compassion of our true nature.

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Lullabies For Awakening

by Ahbi Vernon

These songs were written from my heart’s response to the vulnerability and suffering that are part of our lives. Some of these songs were written for friends who were dying or dealing with loss or fear. Some of these songs are an expression and evocation of meditative states. May we all open into the wisdom and compassion of our true nature.

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1. Dharma Teaching in 62 syllables

We are born / We all die / Stormy waves will arise / Precious birth / Human being / We can wake in this dream / Rest in breath / As we ride / The twists and turns of our lives / As we love / As we grieve / As we give / As we leave / Open heart / Open eyes / Open hands / Open mind.

2.  Clear Light

Still your mind / Calm your heart / In compassion rest / Clarity, luminosity / You are clear light / Still my mind / Calm my heart / In compassion rest / Clarity, luminosity / I am clear light / Still our minds / Calm our hearts / In compassion rest / Clarity, luminosity / We are clear light

3.  Circling Waves

Born into the world / Darkness into light / Turning of the days / Turning into nights / Circling waves of light / Circling waves of sound / Stillness in the center / Circling all around / Turning of the planets / Turning of the years / Circling waves of love / Circling waves of tears / Born into the day / Born into the night / Die into the darkness / Die into the light

4. Midnight

Sound echoes on a snow-lit night / Yearning opens like a bird takes flight / It is evening, evening in our lives / Midnight beckons / Her mysteries arise / We walk together and we walk alone / We walk in circles / Still we’re headed home / A game from childhood / Round and round we spin / Darkness enfolds us / As we turn within / Let our hearts open, wide as they can go / Let our minds rest in all that we can’t know / There is a journey with no suitcase and no phone / Stretching forward, itinerary unknown.

5.  Row (Traditional with extra lyrics by Ahbi Vernon)

Row, row, row your boat / Gently down the stream / Merrily, merrily / Life is but a dream/ Some time goes so fast / Some time goes slow / Some time can break your heart and bring you down so low / Star light, star bright / First star I see tonight / Wish I may, wish I might / Have this wish I wish tonight / Sky above, earth below / The dance of night and day / All the dreamers come to rest / Each one finds a way.

6.  In Sorrow

It’s easy for hearts to get broken / So easy for us to lose our way / It’s so tender, this yearning to be open / Open as we go from day to day / In sorrow, we gather together / Our hearts like flowers in the snow / In sorrow, we gather together / Together we will find the way to go / Come all us tender, broken people / Come all of us, our hearts like lamps that glow / Come all us tender, open people / Together we will find the way to go

7. Om Tare Tutarre Ture Soha 

Om Tare Tutarre Ture Soha / May excellent enlightened activity unfold unceasingly / Dissolve the loneliness deep within / Luminous tenderness without end / Wake us from confusion’s dreams / Luminous tenderness of our mindstreams / May all our suffering come to cease / Open, open endless peace / Open, open spacious peace/ Open, open vibrant peace / Open, open tender peace / Open, open endless peace

8. Ocean, River, Boat, Swimmer

Time like a river streaming / We ride it’s currents awake or dreaming / Space like a widening ocean / We rest inside the endless motion / Liquid light lies on the water / Like the promise of a lover / We are the ocean / We are the river / We are the boat / And we’re the swimmer

9. Carry Us

Can you let the love around you carry you / Can you let the love inside you carry you / The dreams of your heart are changing now / Sometimes our hearts feel so alone / sometimes our hearts feel all alone / It’s so hard to say goodbye / May love hold us now / May love enfold us now

10.  Om Grow up Svaha (based on teachings of Jennifer Wellwood)

Oh 'disillusioned one / Oh disappointed one / Oh can’t say ‘no’ one / Oh can’t say ‘yes’ one / Oh collapsed one / Oh self centered one / Oh filled with blame one / Oh filled with hopelessness / Oh resentful one / Oh withholding one / Oh impatient one / Oh ‘I give up’ one / The tenderest of mercies / The heart of bodhicitta / The fierce form of mercy / The heart of bodhicitta / Yield to compassion / Yield to wisdom / Yield to bliss emptiness / Yield to luminosity 



Ahbi Vernon, vocals, steel tongue drum, sansula

Emerald Vernon-Lapow, vocals

Gary Lapow, vocals, guitar, synthesizer, melodica, ukulele 

Genevieve Walker, violin

Willie Sordillo, saxophone

Aharon Wheels Bolsta, Bansuri flute

Produced, arranged, recorded, engineered, mixed by Gary Lapow

Mastered by Ken Lee

Additional mix by Dave Rosenfeld

Album design by Emerald Vernon-Lapow